Mercedes team boss and co-owner Toto Wolff finds himself under the spotlight once again, as unnamed rival team bosses raise concerns over a new alleged conflict of interest. This accusation follows earlier claims of Wolff leveraging his connections with former lawyer Shaila-Ann Rao, who later held a prominent position as the interim secretary general of sport at the FIA.
This time, Business F1 magazine suggests that team bosses are uneasy about Wolff potentially gaining access to privileged information through his wife, Susie Wolff. Susie is now a prominent figure in Formula 1’s new female-only F1 Academy series, and according to the magazine, team principals fear that Wolff may have access to confidential information that they do not.
An unnamed team boss expressed their concerns, saying, “The information is flowing both ways from us and to Toto, but of course, we are not getting the benefit of that; he is, and they are.” This alleged flow of information raises questions about how it could potentially influence decision-making within the sport.
Another team boss added, “I believe it’s illegal. Certainly, there’s a massive conflict of interest at the public company level. And apart from that, I believe it’s highly unethical.”